Project Quilting--15.1 Bird House

Project Quilting Season 15! 

15.1 – Bird House

Hello!  I'm excited to join in another season of Project Quilting this will make my 4th year participating. I hope you enjoy my first challenge for 2024.

There's Room for Everyone! By Jodie Solorio

This was the first time I've made a wholecloth quilt and it was the first time I've used fabric paints instead of applique. As I was brainstorming ideas with my quilt friends it was suggested to keep the flowers in black and white. I thought this was a great idea as it would emphasize the birdhouse. I added several more birds and I found the perfect binding! 

 "There's Room for Everyone!" By Jodie Solorio

This month out guild hosted a presentation and a workshop with Spanish Quilter Cristina Arcengui Bono. I was lucky enough to attend her workshop, "Tea At Five". I had a fantastic time learning via Zoom.  After the workshop, I decided to make my challenge quilt, applying the techniques I learned earlier that day.

Here's an overview of my process:

I purchased Electric Quilt 8 ( EQ 8) on a trip to Quilt in a Day last year. I decided, I was going to use the program as much as possible in this season's challenges. Once I found the combination of quilt blocks and design I was happy with  I was on my way. Except, I wasn't. Not sure how to print a large scale blocks/patterns on EQ 8 and after many Youtube tutorials, I had to improvise and draw out my pattern. My quilt is 20" X 22 1/2".

EQ8 draft and and hand drawn flower


I enlarged the pattern with at ruler and pencil.

Once I had my pattern traced on fabric I thread sketched my outline using Aurifil 50 weight thread on my Juki.  I penciled in the quilt doodles I learned in our workshop and I used the same little birdies we we used in class.


Thread Sketch
I found fabric painting out of my comfort zone but I really enjoyed it and I have more ink on the way! I love how my project turned out! Thank you for reading my blog.



  1. I absolutely adore this! I love that you didn't paint it all in - it creates drama that way! Great great work!


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